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Interlibrary Loan Service

If the book you want is not in our catalog, library staff can request the book from other local libraries. Here are some frequently asked questions about the interlibrary loan service.

Who is eligable for this service? 

Buena Park Library District adult library card holders

What can be requested through interlibrary loan? 

Print material not owned by the Buena Park Library District. [Note: some items requested for interlibrary loan might be purchased for the library’s collection at the discretion of the librarians, such as new books, bestsellers, and media.

What cannot be requested through interlibrary loan? 

Entire journals or magazines (as a substitute photocopies of articles are supplied); Audiovisual materials; Items from special collections in other libraries

How do I make an interlibrary loan request? 

You may visit the Reference Desk in person or call the reference librarians at 714/826-4100 x 125

Is there a charge for the interlibrary loan service? 

There is a $1.00 non-refundable fee for each loan request (plus any other fees that may be requested by the lending library)

How long will it take to fill my request? 

There is no easy way to predict how long it will take to fill a request. Delivery time is tied to the lending library’s procedures, availability of materials and the delivery service. An average time is usually 2-3 weeks

How will I be notified when the items is available? 

You will be notified by telephone or postcard when the item arrives. The material will be held for you at the Check-out Counter.

How long can I use the material? 

If the item is a photocopy, normally it is yours to keep. For loans of books or other materials, the lending library will set the length of time and any special conditions of the loan, such as “library use only” or “nonrenewable.

What are my obligations as an interlibrary loan borrower? 

To handle all items with care and to return them promptly when due. To return the items at the Buena Park Library Check-out Counter by the due date. (Please do not return items in any of the book drops). If lost or damaged, you, the borrower, are financially responsible. (Please do not attempt any repairs yourself and let the Library staff know immediately of any damages)