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Internet Use Policy

Purpose and Access
The Internet and its available resources contain a wide variety of material and opinions from varied points of view.  It is a global electronic network that allows the Library to provide information beyond the Library’s collection. To fulfill its mission to meet the information needs of its culturally diverse community, the Buena Park Library District provides access to the Internet through public use computers and wireless access. The purpose of this policy is to establish appropriate Internet use guidelines in keeping with the Library’s mission and in coordination with Library Rules of Conduct to ensure a positive library experience in an atmosphere that is safe and free from disturbances by others.
In order to make limited computer and internet resources available to as many users as possible, the Library designates time limits for public computer use and bandwidth limits on wireless access. While Internet access is free to users, the Library charges for printing as established by the Library’s current Fines and Fees Schedule. 

Wireless Access
The Buena Park Library District provides free wireless Internet access points or "hot spots" to individuals with portable computers, tablets, and other Internet capable devices.

As with most public wireless "hot spots," this connection is not secure. Any information being sent or received could potentially be intercepted. Cautious and informed wireless users should choose not to transmit their credit card information, passwords and any other sensitive personal information while using any wireless "hot spot." The Buena Park Library District cannot, and does not, guarantee the privacy of your data and communication while using this service.

All wireless access users should have up-to-date virus protection installed. The Library assumes no responsibility for any information or data that is compromised, or for any damage caused to an individual's hardware or software due to electric surges, security issues or consequences caused by viruses or hacking.

By choosing to use this wireless service, the user agrees to abide by the Buena Park Library District’s Internet Use Policy and acknowledges and knowingly accepts the risks for accessing this service. 

Responsibilities of Internet Users
All patrons are expected to use the Buena Park Library’s Internet services in a responsible and legal manner. Users must comply with all federal, state or local laws, policies, or regulations on all Library computers or patron devices using the Library’s wireless service. Examples of the laws, policies, and regulations include, but are not limited to: 

  • Fraud
  • Receiving, displaying, or transmitting of child pornography, obscenity, or material harmful to minors (18 U.S.C. Sec. 2256; California Penal Code, Sections 311-313 et seq)
  • Copyright infringement (Title 17, U.S. Code).
  • Physically or electronically modifying Library computer equipment, or tampering with hardware or software (California Penal Code § 502)
  • Displaying explicit, graphic or obscene images on computers which may create a hostile workplace environment and may constitute a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1604.11 (e) and California Government Code 12940 (2006).
  • Using any other person’s library card to obtain additional computer time.

Any other activities that interfere with or disrupt network users, services, or equipment are also prohibited.

The Internet is a vast, unregulated network and access points may change rapidly and unpredictably. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information and some websites may be offensive. The Library does not monitor and has no control over the information on the Internet. As with all other formats of information, Internet users are responsible for the choice of sites they visit, and for assessing the credibility, validity and appropriateness of the information found. The Buena Park Library District cannot be held responsible for the quality or accuracy of any information found on the Internet. Library access to the Internet does not imply Library sponsorship or endorsement of any material found on the Internet.

Patrons are personally responsible for learning and applying the needed computer skills for exploring the Internet and electronic databases. Library staff cannot provide in-depth training on the Internet or software programs, and cannot assist patrons in configuring their personal devices. The Library holds the expectation that its computer users possess a minimal level of competence for using computers and electronic databases. Materials are available in the Library’s collection for self-training.

The Library does not utilize Internet filters. Each individual is responsible for his or her own use of the Internet. Because the Library is a public place, users should be aware that information accessed on the Internet may be observed by other users, Library staff and members of the public, including children. The Library cannot guarantee users' rights to confidentiality and privacy when using the Internet.

The Library does not routinely monitor public computers but reserves the right to do so when a violation of the Library Internet Use Policy, the Library Rules of Conduct, or any violation of the law is suspected. If the nature of the content being viewed on the Library computer workstation disturbs other Library users, the viewer may be asked to cease.

Access by Minors
All Internet resources accessible through the Buena Park Library are provided equally to all users. There is no age limit for use of any material in the Library or via the Library’s Internet services. Children have access to the same resources as adults. As with other Library resources, there are Internet sites that may contain information not suitable for children.

It is the Buena Park Library District’s policy that the parent or legal guardian is responsible for deciding what resources are appropriate for his or her child. Responsibility for, and any restriction of, a minor’s use of library resources including the Internet rests solely with the parent or legal guardian. Parents are encouraged to read Child Safety on the Information Highway produced by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (

This policy is adopted in accordance with California Education Code §18030.5.

Violations of the Internet Use Policy and the Appeal Process
Users are expected to adhere to the Buena Park Library District Internet Use Policy and the Buena Park Library Rules of Conduct. Failure to comply may result in suspension or loss of internet privileges, loss of Library privileges and/or exclusion from the Library, notification of law enforcement authorities and/or criminal prosecution. The Library reserves the right to suspend the computer privileges of a minor without notification to the parent or legal guardian.

The Library Staff will make a reasonable effort to provide the customer with written notification of suspension of privileges or exclusion, including the reason for the action, the time period, and the appeal process. It is not necessary that this notification be accepted or received for the restriction or exclusion to take effect.

The actions of Library staff members under this policy may be appealed in writing to the Library Director.

Following an appeal to the Library Director, the Director’s decision may be appealed to the Library Board of Trustees. Upon completion of the review, the Board shall issue a written decision. This decision shall be final.

The restriction or exclusion will remain in effect throughout the appeal process. 

Use of the Library’s hardware, software, Internet service, wireless network, and electronic information resources is entirely at the risk of the user. The Buena Park Library District shall not be liable for any damage that may occur to any computer, peripheral equipment, or storage media, loss of data, loss of confidential information, unauthorized access to or alteration of data transmissions, and/or any other direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages resulting from or arising out of use of the Library’s Internet service, wireless network, and/or electronic information resources, or inability to use these services, or any other matter relating to these services.

Users agree to indemnify, defend, and hold free and harmless the Buena Park Library District, the Library’s Board of Trustees, employees, and/or agents for any claim or demand, that may be made by any third party due to or arising out of user conduct in connection with any use of the Library’s Internet service, wireless network, and electronic information resources, user provision of content, user violation of this Policy, or any other violation of the rights of another person or party.

Any use of a Buena Park Library computer workstation, or the Library’s wireless service, constitutes acceptance of this policy. A copy of this policy is posted on the Library’s website; in addition, a copy is available at the Information Desk in the Library for inspection. 

Revised: 09/2013
Revised: 12/2010
Effective: 7/97

Internet Use Policy